Colonial Ministry of Defense (Booth 2750)
Booth #2750
The Colonial Ministry of Defense is a fan-based organization patterned off the military organization depicted in the Battlestar Galactica Saga (Original Series of 1978-79, Galactica 1980, and the Re-Imagined Series of 2003- 09). As of 2021 we are celebrating our 10th Anniversary as a fan club. Members of the CMoD come from a wide variety of backgrounds and geographic locations. However, they all share one common bond: their love and appreciation for Battlestar Galactica in all of its incarnations. Currently there are 26 Chapters world-wide from Juneau Alaska, to Manchester England. Membership in the CMoD is free. You may chose to join as an Officer, Enlisted, Marine, Colonial Warrior (Viper or Raptor Pilot), or Civilian. CMoD membership is patterned off the military system depicted in the series Battlestar Galactica®, both before and after the Cylon attack on the colonies. Members will also get to choose their Colony of Origin (which of the 12 Colonies that you come from), as well as a chapter they wish to be assigned to. So what are you waitng for? It’s easy. It’s free! The Colonial Ministry of Defense needs you to help us save humanity today!